Wednesday, March 10, 2010

We are home!

So we made it home safe and sound with the little fish! Mom and Dad have learned alot in the last two weeks! I can't believe the he will be two weeks old tomorrow (Thursday). We are lucky that he is a pretty good sleeper....however he has his moments!

But he is so dang cute!!!

Don't you agree! :)

We were also very lucky to have alot of family support the first full week that we were home. Thank you to everyone that helped us out! We also had quite a few visitors! Everyone has really enjoyed meeting our new little bundle.

But now....back to reality we are on our own and things are going great!

I did get a little video of Great Grandma Bentson and the Little Fish!

Until next time :)


1 comment:

  1. Yes he is so dang cute!! I've been checking this every day for updates! The video is great - sure wish I could give him a squeeze

